Somatic Massage

Somatic massage

Known as Swedish massage, is considered one of the oldest therapies consisting of a methodical treatment of the soft tissues of the body’s normal physiological purpose prophylactic or curative. Somatic massage techniques practiced masterfully gives particularly beneficial effects on health, fitness and general appearance of the patient of any age.

Massage somatic ensure perfect functionality of the body of apparently healthy individuals, increase the muscle tone and also relaxes the nervous system, stimulates internal organs and maintain the health and mentallity for patients at any age , thereby preventing functional disharmonies that may lead to a disturbance of the appearance and health of the onset of the disease itself.

Appropriate massage performed competently stimulated most bodily functions and organs and tissues – skin, muscles, tendons, nerves, endocrine glands, digestive and sexual organs, spine, etc. .

Due to increased blood circulation, lymph and nervous impulse, a striking revival of the entire body is achieved, mobility of the joints and ligaments are improved , blood circulation and lymphatic system are stimulated and also metabolism is boosted and toxins are eliminated from the body.

somatic massage


  • stimulates the nerve centers of skin by boosting the organ functions
  • accelerates lymphatic flow and rapid elimination of toxic waste
  • stimulates blood circulation to the heart and relieving work
  • stimulates skin nutrition and speeds cell regeneration
  • re-positions the body muscles as to regain the well-being
  • regulates endocrine gland secretions and improves the metabolism
  • enhance the exchange of nutrients and elimination of toxins from the body
  • the body becomes calm and relaxed , tension and stress disappear